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Slowing down
to connect
Handmade ceramics ~ Clay workshops ~ more Slowness
"N o r t h S e a H o m e"
s a n d y e a r r i n g c o l l e c t i o n
The North Sea recalls foaming waves, strong tides that bring a constant change, and washed up treasures on the beach making every visit unexpected and exciting. This is the landscape I feel most connected to, to call "Home".

Atelier AMMA X When Life is Slow
C r e a t e d f o r a n d i n c o l l a b o r a t i o n w i t h
a t e l i e r AMMA
Earthy handmade stoneware tableware as a daily invitation to slow down and have a moment of attention for yourself or shared with others.
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